Your Official Invitation

Your Official Invitation

It’s here! The big day!


The Muse in You – Embracing Creativity To Overcome Life’s Difficulties releases today!


For the last month you’ve been hearing all about it and I sure do appreciate you reading. I can’t thank you enough, quite honestly.


My latest book, The Muse In You is your guidebook to transcend your circumstances to find peace and happiness, and unleash your wildest desires and passions.


I’m a woman obsessed with everything creative: the way we think, the way we problem solve, the way we make the most of our lives.


But when we experience challenging times, difficult life transitions, or grief from a loss, it’s easy for creativity to vanish and disquiet to settle in.


For me, it took the death of my parents, four miscarriages, a divorce and the death of my dog in a period of only a few years to come to love and accept myself. In allowing myself to be broken, I became whole.


I offer worksheets, quick exercises, meditations, and mind-opening questions to offer you the support you need during the tough times. The message? It is possible for you to remake your life into something extraordinary.


My hope when you read this book is that you unleash the truest parts of yourself to experience more joy and ease, and follow curiosity to jump-start your creative journey.
Let’s travel together through this amazing thing called life. I’ll meet you there, happily.




For many people, Lynn will be the guide to help you know who you are – to remember the essence of your true nature and that is pure unconditional love. DON MIGUEL RUIZ, AUTHOR OF THE FOUR AGREEMENTS AND OTHERS.  


There is no better guide than Lynn for helping you befriend your inner muse. Lynn’s priceless combination of humor, vulnerability, and straight up truth-telling will inspire you to overcome life’s challenges. The Muse In You is a beacon of hope, a fountain of wisdom, and a treasure of tools to call out your inner creative strength and resiliency. – HEATHER ASH AMARA, bestselling author of Warrior Goddess Training and others.


Because Lynn knows her own creativity deep from the inside, she is able to creatively inspire others to explore and discover their freest selves. MICHELE CASSOU, AUTHOR OF LIFE, PAINT AND PASSION AND OTHERS.


Part memoir and part workbook, The Muse In You may be just what you need to heal from your pain and be reborn as someone more passionate, purposeful, and alive. LORI DESCHENE, AUTHOR OF TINY BUDDHA’S WORRY JOURNAL AND OTHER BOOKS




Like, what if there was nothing you had to do, change, or fix? You didn’t have to be anywhere other than where you are? You were more than okay in all your mess?


If you’re ready to shine more brightly, these lessons are your loving reminders that you are a creative being ready to accomplish your dreams.


There is a muse in you!




Let’s journey with your inner-muse to discover how to:


  • Unlock the chains of the mind and become free again.
  • Exist in joy, certainty, and radiance.
  • Invite more adventure.
  • Move quickly towards your desired destination.
  • Have a deeply intimate, loving, healthy, relationship.
  • Create more of what you want to reach your dreams.


Buy The Muse In You


And while you are at it, please write a review. This would help me so much!


Thank you. From my heart to yours. I hope you enjoy reading!