I used to think it was my job to take on other people’s problems—especially in my closest relationships.
Quite honestly? I did it to feel better about myself.
But EVERY single time I tried to fix or help, I ended up pushing those I loved away rather than creating the closeness I craved.
They were like, Hey, I’m a big boy/girl! I know how to take care of this myself!
And then, I was like, You know what? You DO have you own inner resources to take care of you. WHY was I making this about myself?
As a creative, empathetic, feeling, intuitive being I can “feel” the people around me, especially those I care about and love the most. It’s hard for me not to get involved.
Can you relate? Do you know that feeling of seeing someone else in pain or having difficulty and wanting to help fix their problems?
But what would happen if we DIDN’T take on what another person carries?
It might seem selfish, but we do others a great disservice by fighting their battles FOR them. We take their power away and no longer allow them to figure things out for themselves.
In essence (and I know this seems harsh, but it’s true), when we do this, we’re trying to control another to reap the benefit. And usually, it’s to feel better about ourselves or to get something we want, without even realizing it.
Many times, in a desire to help another, we end up trying to control our relationships and our environment as a way to feel safe and protected.
I finally realized my ONLY JOB was to listen and have compassion; to be in my heart and care; and to NEVER try to change anything about another person’s experience or take that away from them.
It’s not my job to heal another. It’s my job to let them wrestle with God themselves.
‘Cause that’s the ONLY way we ALL learn and grow. By reaching our own conclusions.
It took forever . . . but I finally got it. Rather than see how I could change another, my priority became about what I needed to change in ME.
So, this week, can you offer heart-centered listening rather than offering advice to someone you care about?
Wishing the other people in your life a compassionate week!