With nerves of excitement and love, I’m thrilled to share with you that I’m launching my first online course!
I started working on this baby full time exactly nine months ago. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every moment of creativity in this passion project and all the transformative growth that has occurred in me.
My digital marketing guru and friend, Emily Jaeger, asked me to record an interview about my journey to become an online teacher, stepping out of my comfort zone and creating an in-depth course just for you.
It is my sincerest wish that this interview inspires you to preview my upcoming exclusive online course, The Transformation Roadmap and that you will join me on this incredible transformative adventure.
Emily asks me some poignant questions about my creative process, my inward journey of devoting the last nine months to creating this course, and my own powerful transformation that I am super excited to share with you.
I am deeply grateful and appreciative of you. Thank you for your understanding that over the next 10 days as I launch this course, my messages will arrive more frequently—then back to Sundays only!