
Stuck In A Wrong Place? Getting Out Of it

Stuck In A Wrong Place? Getting Out Of it

A reader writes:

I’m 60 and lost my full-time job in December. (It was mutual). I’m in healthcare, and I still need to work to cover my bills. I have since found another job that promised to be low-key, but I’m now realizing that the better I do my job, the more responsibility is mine, and I’m expected to pick up the slack from less experienced co-workers. Though I’m not adverse to working hard and smart, I find that I’m not really interested in amping up my work life and would prefer to back off some so that I can travel, do my art, and live consciously. I’d appreciate your insight.

Have you ever felt like you made a choice — a life decision, a relationship, a move, a new job — and then realized after you made it, it didn’t feel right?

And then you stayed because it felt like you couldn’t renege on your decision. Or you feared there wasn’t another option. Or you would disappoint someone. Or others depended on you. Or you depended on them.

Or simply because you’re a person of high integrity with morals and values, who follows through on their word and commitments.

But your soul knew you were in the wrong place. You knew what you needed, but you didn’t know how to have it. It’s in these times, we’re asked to look deeper within ourselves.

Reframing how we once saw things, we move closer to creating our dreams.

There are questions you can ask to take you out of the box you’re currently closed off in. But first you have to take the pressure off and pay attention to the higher voice speaking to you — the voice of intuition.

When we let ourselves off the hook, we can hear the answer from our heart rather than from our mind. Then our heart has the chance to guide our course of action.

So many times we think we SHOULD do something or we HAVE to do something based on our circumstances.

In these situations, there could be 2 solutions:

1.) Find a middle way that can work for you, creating more balance, boundaries, and re-arrange time to take care of yourself, while remaining in the situation.


2.) Give yourself permission to shift gears, change course, and create a better option.

This reminds me of two friends of mine who worked tirelessly at their jobs. The hours were crazy and the stress even more so. They loved their jobs and the people they worked with (mostly), but they were totally burnt out.

So one friend did something her colleagues had never done before.

She created a way to work a few months on and a few months off at the same company as a consultant. Many may have thought this was impossible, but she created a way to do it.

I was in awe and inspired by her self-trust and confidence.

She taught me a great lesson: There’s always space for new possibility even if it seems improbable.

As Marie Forleo says, Everything is figureoutable.

My other friend stayed at his job, asking for more support, which they were willing to offer. But his own patterns of stress didn’t allow him to make the inner-changes he wanted. He ended up getting a new job at a much smaller company, which gave him more breathing room.

Asking questions from our intuition helps us to step out of the confines of our little room and stand on a mountaintop with a 360- degree view.

Like what if. . .

. . . There was nothing to lose?

. . . It didn’t matter if you changed course or not?

. . . You did it anyway? Or not?

. . . It’s not the situation you’re in, but how you’re relating to it?

. . . Making yourself the priority might end up also being better for everyone else?

. . . You could create it to be exactly what you want?

Come up with your own intuitive questions and let them guide you. Wherever you feel a contraction or a reaction — that’s the place to question. A higher calling is asking something of you.

Ultimately, the answer is already there. And we know it.

Wishing you all and everything you truly want!