
Being Nobody Going Nowhere

Being Nobody Going Nowhere

After my course, The Transformation Roadmap came out last January, something was beginning to transform in me. I worked around the clock to prepare for the launch and when it was over, something released in me.

I profoundly became interested in letting go of the need to achieve, to cease pushing with effort to do something. If you know my past, this is a big shift for me. I have often felt like nothing is never enough based on a conditioned belief that I need to do more.

Instead, I became deeply interested in being nobody and going nowhere. Suddenly, the simple and ordinary started to become far more exciting.

When I asked the question, how would you spend your time if you were nobody and going nowhere whole new inner-callings opened up to me.

I wanted to paint daily again for more hours—not for product but for the sheer delight in painting. I wanted to pick up yoga again and increase my meditation. I was thrilled to knit in the heart of winter, observing the needles weave yarn one colorful loop at a time. I started to work out more days a week, and enjoying healthy food and cooking delicious meals for my family. Sleep became more important, really receiving and taking in the beauty of the nature around my home…The list goes on.

But what all these things had in common was my deep appreciation for presence. And the result was that I felt so much lighter. The pressure was off. I had deeper appreciation and gratitude.

These basic things gave me so much joy because nothing was a have to. They didn’t need to be done from any kind of self-judgment. Being nobody going nowhere gave me freedom. I could separate myself from my mind and all the ways it manipulates me.

Daily life became glorious all because I was no longer needing to strive. It was all about simply living.

I was clear, awake, and in tune. Far more relaxed and embracing spaciousness—something, that for so long frightened me. Without the forcing and efforting everything opened up in full expansion and possibility. I could breathe deeper and celebrate my blessings. I was indeed cherishing.

Mostly, I became acutely aware that life is very fleeting. I’m turning 50 this year and although, this may sound morbid it holds a certain magnitude. There’s no knowing how much longer I have to live. And every single moment I want to embrace whole-heartedly.

I’ve become very interested in the dash between my birth date and death date. I want to make it the object of my present attention, embracing the wonder of life fully.

Sending all my love with a wish that you know how grateful and appreciative I am of you.

P.s. If you are interested to know what the Transformation Roadmap is all about you can check it out here.